CEICS, Campus of International excellence southern catalonia Coordinated by URV · Rovira i Virgili University

Nobel campus Programme

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Seminars sessions

Publishing scientific knowledge

02/07/201215:00 - 17:30

Seminars & discussion sessions: Publishing, socialising and sharing scientific knowledge in the internet er@

Smart publishing: from the lab to the scientific community and beyond. Presentation given by a publisher and an editor from the Elsevier journal, with question and answer session.





Elsevier Author workshop

"How to Successfully Publish Scientific Articles". Rob van Daalen

• What do I need to consider when preparing my article?
• How do I write an article for a specific journal?
• What happens after I submit my article to a scientific journal?
• How does the peer-review process work?
• How do I choose a suitable journal?
• What is an h-index?
• Which tools are available during the writing process?

Questions and open discussion (20 minutes)
Rob van Daalen and Damià Barceló




David Evans. Scientific Affairs Director. Elsevier Properties

"Finding Relevant Chemical Information"

How using modern information tools (Reaxys®, Scopus, and ScienceDirect) the research chemist can easily navigate the complexities of the chemical literature and how the information may be easily transferred into daily work.



Phone +34 977 29 70 11
C. de l'Escorxador, s/n
43003 Tarragona

Ministerio de Educación Distinguished as a Campus of International Excellence by the Ministry of Education

Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education at the 2009 call for proposals.