CEICS, Campus of International excellence southern catalonia Coordinated by URV · Rovira i Virgili University

Nobel campus Programme

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Discussing my research project (10'+10')

02/07/201215:00 - 17:30

Groups of 5 young researchers will be formed and assigned a Nobel laureate or a world class scientist to whom they must describe their work.

Nobel Laureates - Academic Partners

  • Nobel Laurteate Ryoji Noyori - Kilian Muñiz. ICREA  Research Professor at the ICIQ
  • Nobel Laurteate K. Barry Sharpless - Miquel A. Pericàs. Director of ICIQ
  • Nobel Laurteate Ada E. Yonath Anna Ardèvol. Lecturer at the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (URV)
  • Nobel Laurteate Sydney Altman - Ciara O'Sullivan. ICREA  Research Professor at the URV
  • Nobel Laurteate Aaron Ciechanover Albert Mas. Dean of the Faculty of Oenology at the URV
  • Nobel Laurteate Richard R. Schrock - Maria Elena Fernández. Doctor in organic chemistry at the URV


  • Luis Oro. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Zaragoza and director of the University Institute of Homogeneous Catalysis 
  • Piet van Leeuwen. Group Leader in the Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ)


Phone +34 977 29 70 11
C. de l'Escorxador, s/n
43003 Tarragona

Ministerio de Educación Distinguished as a Campus of International Excellence by the Ministry of Education

Financed by the Spanish Ministry of Education at the 2009 call for proposals.