Postdoctoral researcher at the University of the Basque Country
Research topic: "Functional ingredients against the obesity and related diseases"
After obtaining the Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy, in 2006 I started my research career working in the group “Nutrition and Obesity” in the University of the Basque Country and since then, I have been part of a research line focused on search of potential functional ingredients against the obesity and related diseases. More specifically, during this time I have analysed the effects and mechanisms of action of trans-10,cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid and several conjugated linolenic acid isomers on lipid metabolism in in vitro and in vivo models. I am sure that attending to this Campus will bring me the opportunity to share experiences with other young researchers. Furthermore, the suggestions that well-known Scientifics give about my work it will be helpful in my career as a researcher.
Phone +34 977 29 70 11
C. de l'Escorxador, s/n
43003 Tarragona